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The Gamma function is defined as: , for .
The factorial is a special case of the Gamma function:

In combinatorics, the number of combinations is caluclated through this formula:

The Taylor series for the famous exponential e is,

The Laplacian operator, used in calculus, is

Here is a poster of The Special Theory of Relativity:
(Updated Recently)
You can download the pages separately: page 1 and page 2.

Here is a Laplace transform table created with MS Word.

Visit a sample XHTML+MathML webpage created with the help of Open Math Edit "Mathcasting" feature. Requires a MathML compatible browser, such as Mozilla (or Firefox).

You can upload examples to tom_chekam@yahoo.com. If they're good I'll post them here and mention your name. Please zip the files (some emails don't support the XML Unicode).